Astrology gives me a broader view of the situation and the rules than other approaches. People have always had a dimension to me as large as the stars in the sky. AstrologyWays aims to communicate a little of this dimension using the same rules as in mediation. The approach is Jungian - Jung was both an astrologer and a psychoanalyst.
How to see astrology? It is a "blueprint" of the moment of birth, whether of a group, a person or a situation. And although this ‘architect's plan’ gives us a glimpse of the construction to come, it can only express the possibilities. It is during the consultation - the communication between the astrologer and the client that the path is revealed. Astrologer and client together consider the options available - which decisions are made and why. Careful interpretation of a particular theme allows the client to become more aware of the motivation behind their choices and this leads to more freedom in their life.
The Birth Chart describes our complex personality, divided into twelve different zodiac signs, each governing one of twelve areas of life. Like a house with different rooms each with a different environment and purpose - some inhabited, others unused for many years. This is one of the metaphors I might use during your consultation to shed light on some of your themes.
At around the age of 16, I started to become interested in astrology. My older sister had some of Linda Goodman’s books and they opened a door for me. Especially since at the time I felt my way of thinking and feeling was not seen or validated. I needed new paths to allow me to rebuild myself and Astrology met this need. My intuitive side was undeveloped and undervalued, more so than the logical, rational side which was well supported. Mathematics, chemistry and technology were naturally logical to me, but the other side, the intuitive, instinctual human was also interesting. In the human approach, I didn’t have much support. I had family around me who had a medical bias that I would call mechanical at the time. However, technical logic and human logic are for me two worlds with their own system of reflection.
Regularly my observations were dismissed with remarks like “this is the logic of women in their kitchen! Nothing scientific or proven about it.”
Upset and humiliated by these types of remarks, they only reinforced my desire to explore.
Astrology with its symbolism opens up the dimension of sounds. A symbol is music that is not limited to the physical.
It is a resonance - multidimensional. The symbol relates the real and tangible world to the invisible world in another sense. It connects solid density atoms to gaseous or liquid density. It links sciences to virtuality. It is a world that I understand.
And yet, interpreted, it can become borderline and full of prejudices and dogmas.
I then have to look for the new word that takes on the resonance that carries good music. Pluto, a planet with an irregular orbit, is often described as a transformer that destroys then rebuilds, but it only takes its place in my world of references when one day someone qualifies it as a purifier. Then I see it as earth that purifies the water so that the water can generate life again.
The world of these symbols joins the world of symbols of the fairy tales that I read and reread endlessly during my childhood. Later I replaced the fairy tales with science fiction which is also filled with human symbols, taken out of this tangible world so that humans and their relationships with other beings can manifest themselves. The sacred and the material can come together. Let us get out of the vibrational dimension of the binary and the three-dimensional and into the quantum.
We invent worlds to expose the relationships between visible and invisible beings, which we are unable to access or integrate otherwise. In the defined and commonly accepted world, certain relationships and tensions are not formed without symbolism. Physics in its solid 3D dimension, the only one accepted, the only one shared, removes from its foundations the liquid which takes its own path as well as the gaseous.
However, all this is gradually changing. The idea having a gaseous dimension, today becomes "energetic" and enters into the vibration of the quantum.
This same world of quantum has become - the SMS message sent from Japan to the Curator of Monuments in Paris even before the firefighters can inform him that Notre Dame is on fire.
What masterful symbolism of this fifth dimension!
Each symbol corresponds to this inner music which seeks to manifest itself in the right word, free of prejudices and dogmas. A magic from the inside out. How to anchor this inner music in the world so that we can hear it.
This is how I understood astrology, this subject that my father had brought to me by opening my eyes to a vision that was too narrow.
- "look at this flower, isn’t it beautiful?"
We look
- "so what plant is it?"
We do not know
- "this flower is the cabbage flower. The same one we ate at noon. But the cabbage which becomes flower is no longer edible, it has transformed. Reason why farmers cut it before flowering."
It learned me this is the transformation of our century that is explained in a few simple words. The dogma that a cabbage is eaten has been transformed in a century into a cabbage that is eaten but which also decorates our homes.
Through words the sacred and the sanctuary take shape in me. The sacred and the sanctuary become matter, the body, the earth which are the containers and the expression of emotion, feeling and intuition linked to mind and thought. It is the music of the universe that takes shape or is sometimes distorted.
Hélou, coworking, 33 Rue de la Villette, 75019 Paris, France tel: 33 683 819427 is a company supporting people and businesses, whose objective is to create a balanced and harmonious space. Owner: Emilie Milja WILLEMS 36 rue de la Villette, 75019 PARIS Compagny: 512310771 - INSEE